
After college (The Master’s College), seminary (SBTS), and adopting four kids, Stacey and Dave began their journey to Bible translation and church planting in Cameroon. Here is a look at the overall progress:

2011Initial support raising

2012-13Certificate of Applied Linguistics (Dallas International University)

2013-24Certificate of French Studies (Centre chrétien d’enseignement du français, Albertville, France)

2014-17First term in Cameroon (primarily language/culture learning and analysis)

2017-18Home assignment in Dallas, TX – both completed a MA in Applied Linguistics: Translation (Dallas International University) while also visiting churches and supporters.

2018-22Second Term in Cameroon

  • Finalized the Kwakum writing system.
  • Developed literacy materials in Kwakum.
  • Began Kwakum literacy classes.
  • Began the Old Testament Storying Project.
  • Developed evangelistic and discipleship resources in Kwakum.

2022-23Home assignment in Louisville, KY – Stacey began a DMin in Biblical Counseling (SBTS). Dave studied Hebrew extensively. We visited many churches and supporters.

2023-Present – Third Term in Cameroon

  • Continuing the OT Storying Project (see Progress Chart below)
  • Continuing discipleship and evangelism.
  • Stacey is developing curriculum for her DMin project which is being used to help the Kwakum learn the biblical worldview, and especially God’s view of sexuality.
Progress as of Oct 2024 (click the image to see a larger version)