Posted in Bible Translation Christian Missions Encouragements and Exhortations

A Case for Diversity in Bible Interpretation

I would like to make a claim at the outset of this post: proper biblical interpretation requires diversity. Specifically, we need to study the Bible with people different from us in order to best understand the meaning of the text. This claim is not unique to me and when I have heard it in the past, I have brushed it aside. My reasons for rejecting such a conclusion were: 1) as a believer, I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit who guides me into all truth (John 16:13), and 2) I believe in the perspicuity (or clarity) of Scripture. By…

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Posted in Linguistics Literacy Video

[VIDEO] The Making of a Literacy Primer

There are two groups of people among the Kwakum: Those who have some knowledge of how to read and write in French and those who have no knowledge of how to read and write in any language whatsoever. We have already started literacy classes for those who have some knowledge of French comparing the two languages and in September we will start literacy for those who do not even know the letter “A”. I recently finished creating a book describing how to read and write in Kwakum for those who have no knowledge of reading and writing at all. This…

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Posted in Africa Bible Translation Christian Missions Literacy

3 Literacy Surprises

On Saturday we finished our first Kwakum literacy course (we have worked through the material with some people, but this was the first official class). We went to a village called Sibita every weekend for 4 weeks. The group varied between 4 adults to 20 adults, depending on the week. We explicitly said this class was for adults, but there were always 10-20 kids there too. The kids participated and learned probably more quickly than the adults. Being that it was our first official literacy class, there were some things that surprised me. Here are three: 1. No Abstract Categories…

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Posted in Africa Christian Missions Encouragements and Exhortations

The Balance Between Drive and Submission

There truly is a delicate balance between raw determination (I-will-do-this-or-die-trying) and submission to the limits that God has put on his creatures. I feel this on a daily basis and assume that I am not the only one, although I don’t know that all personality types struggle with this tension. I see this battle in one of my children very acutely.   All of our children are learning to type this summer. One child in particular sits down the computer and expects to type like her parents within the first half an hour. So far, she has spent each day…

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Posted in Christian Missions Encouragements and Exhortations Third Culture Kid

The Role of Unbelieving MKs

I have a friend who grew up on the mission field and even though both she and her brother grew up as MKs (missionary kids) their lives today look very different. Currently, she is a missionary while her brother totters between being called an atheist or an agnostic. Apparently, this scenario is not uncommon: some MKs live passionately for the Lord and his work and others want nothing to do with Christianity. While there are certainly plenty of exceptions, it seems often the children of missionaries fall to one extreme or the other. If then there are a great number…

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Posted in Africa Bible Translation Christian Missions VBS Video

[VIDEO] Can We Come to Your VBS?

We have the exciting opportunity to participate in VBS at Grace Church Frisco this summer. How? Well, they are doing VBS completely virtually, online. They are using the curriculum Incredible Race by Answers in Genesis. The main theme throughout is the story of the tower of Babel, which works pretty well with our jobs as Bible translators. So we recorded five short videos talking about ministry here and relating it to the Babel story. I was thinking, if Grace Church Frisco is doing VBS this year, maybe other churches are too. And maybe even if churches are not able to…

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Posted in Christian Missions Encouragements and Exhortations

3 Ways to Apply Grace to Missionaries

Stacey and I are reading a new parenting book called Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family, by Paul David Tripp. This particular parenting book is not super practical. Tripp does not lay down step-by-step instructions for how to deal with each and every situation. Instead, he guides Christian parents with Gospel principles, and shows how those principles should affect the way that we parent. The second chapter in the book is entitled ‘Grace’ and hits at the heart of a major problem with my Christianity. Here is a specific quote that I think explains the point…

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Posted in Current Events Prayer

[Prayer Guide] Quarantine Kwakum Prayer Guide

“One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time.”  ― John Piper How is God going to use Coronavirus for his glory? I think one way is to move his people to increased time in prayer. For me (Stacey), I’ve been in my bedroom this last week as I have been showing mild symptoms of the Coronavirus. Frankly, it is a form of torture for an extrovert to be locked up in the house with people always hanging out outside their window. And yet, the Lord…

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Posted in Africa Bible Translation Christian Missions Video

[VIDEO] “Before Hearing Word of God, I lived like an Animal”

Here is a quick, informal video that we put together on why we do what we do. It is designed for churches or individuals who are just learning about Bible translation among the Kwakum.

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Posted in Current Events Encouragements and Exhortations

How is God Blessing Your Quarantine?

Who would have ever thought that our whole lives would be upended by an invisible-spiky-egg-looking-thingy?! This has been quite a month! And I think you would be absolutely shocked at what things look like here in the village. Why? Well, mostly because they look pretty much the same as they did before the pandemic. People are not social distancing, I have not seen much of a change in hygiene, and no one is staying at home. For those of you in Western cultures, or at least in cities, this might be shocking. It might seem irresponsible and inconsiderate, even foolish….

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