Note the Kindness and Severity of the Lord
I recently attended a FIRE Conference in Indiana and the theme of the conference was the Wrath of God. It is not a topic that we really like to talk about much in our culture, so it is a bit shocking that an organization would commit so much time to it. However, I was struck by the fact that there are so many passages that not only talk about the wrath of God, but encourage us to consider it. One such verse that hit me as particularly clear was: Romans 11:22 Note then the kindness and the severity of God:…
General Update on the Hare Family
Always a party in the Hare home—a toddler party that is. Although we have a three bedroom apartment we consistently find our kids always seeking to occupy the exact same space. The love it be piled on top of one another—it is perplexing to us. On top of that, they tickle one another, steal one another’s toys (unfortunately), dance together, and sometimes just laugh in one another’s faces. Like I said…always a party. Here’s a general update on how each member of our family is doing…Makyra is growing up! We are trying to learn how to do her hair and…
Remembering Those in Prison
“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” Hebrews 13:3 I have recently read a book that has changed my life. It is called Safely Home by Randy Alcorn.In a note at the end of the book, it was explained that this book was written to “make a statement concerning the persecuted church.”And this book made a very loud statement to me.It opened my eyes to the fact that I have brothers and sisters in prison right now who have been torn away from…
Scriptural Incentives that Keep Us Dreaming Big
Perhaps you can relate to my natural reaction to seeing pretty much any movie that exposes social injustice: I want to suit up and fight! Perhaps you have grown in your awareness of sex trafficking, and you resolve to do something about it. Or, you listen to a sanctity of life sermon, or see pictures in a magazine of the starving oppressed of Africa, or an art exhibit highlighting the wounded children of war-torn nations, or a presentation about all of the Bible-less peoples of the world. Your senses are aroused, eyes are opened to the need, and righteous anger…
Our Final Budget was Finalized…Finally!
Good news! Over the last several months we (and our great agency: World Team) have been working to finalize our budget. In seeking to be faithful with the resources that God is providing through our supporters we have spent many an hour pouring over the options. We have finally come down on a monthly budget that is slightly higher than before ($5,933/mo. instead of $5,715/mo.) and a Start-Up budget that is substantially lower than originally estimated ($113k instead of $159k). Praise the Lord we have less to raise and hopefully we can do it faster! Our goal is still to…
In Honor of My Parents
Two things lead me to write this blog post in honor of my parents: 1. They are coming to town tomorrow and so they are simply on my mind. 2. I have told my children the same things over and over again all day long and frankly, I am weary. In having kids, I realize how much grief I put my parents through as they had to tell me the same things over and over again, and at the time I did not get it.I did not understand why they would not let me to go parties in high school…
What Will our Friends Say About us on Judgment Day?
When our unbelieving friends and family members are facing King Jesus as Judge, will they be able to recall all of our warnings, Gospel presentations, and pleadings for them to repent? Or, when they face Jesus, will they then look at us and say “Why did you not tell me how I could be saved before it was too late?” My Friend by D.J. Higgins My friend, I stand in judgment now, And feel that you’re to blame somehow. On earth I walked with you by day, And never did you point the way. You knew the Lord in truth…
My Birthday Wish!
Greetings friends and family. Today marks the 29th anniversary of my birth! My birthday wish this year is to raise $250 for our start-up expenses using Would you consider making a donation?
The Bible – A Treasure Worth Sharing
It’s not crazy to leave one’s home and go overseas for the sake of Bible translation. Instead, what is crazy is to believe what we believe about the Bible and then be content to leave people without it… The Bible “This book contains; the mind of God, the way of salvation, doom of sinners, and happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support…
Zoey’s Walking!
All four are walking – wahoo! Always a party.
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