Posted in Encouragements and Exhortations

Comfort to the Grieving, Warning to us All

We’ve been amazed to see that there have been around 1,100 page views of our previous post about Noah’s sudden death.  This plainly testifies to how loved and respected he was by so many.  Clearly, we all feel sad, but what else are we to feel?  How could the Lord be using his death for our good? In looking up a couple Scripture passages, we’re convinced that Noah’s death serves to remind us that… Life is Brief We still cannot believe Noah is gone.  We cannot believe that we will not be working with him and we will never see…

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Posted in Current Events

The Sudden Death of a Friend and Colleague, Noah Huss

It is strange to even write this blog entry because we know that Noah will not be reading it.  He always read our blog and encouraged us in what we had written.  Who would have guessed there would be a post dedicated to him?    Today Dave and I received an email from World Team saying that Noah Huss, one of World Team’s mobilizers, was in a car accident yesterday and died due to his injuries.  We have been crying off and on ever since. When we first heard this news we simply could not believe it.  Dave had just emailed…

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Posted in Training

Goat-Head Anyone?

Yep, that’s right—a goat-head.  Who knew we’d have the option of eating a goat’s head for dinner the other night?  Dave was assigned a class project to take part in a “cross-cultural” experience and thus we found ourselves experiencing a little bit of Africa the other night.  We went to an African restaurant and it smelled like Africa, a Cameroonian woman waited on us, there were pictures of President Obama everywhere (like Africa!), and we were served African food.  For those of you who are wondering, we opted not to eat the goat head but got fish and rice instead. …

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Posted in The Hare Home

Quirky Happenings in the Hare Home

When you ask Zoey what her name is, she says, “Elias.” When you ask Elias what his name is, he says, “Zoey.” When we had a not-so-tall repair man come to our house the other day, Kaden kept referring to him as “The Liittle Man.”   “Mom, why is the little man here?”  “Where’d the little man go?” (yiiiiikes!) Zoey regularly puts her dinner on her face and talks on it like it’s a phone. Kaden is abnormally observant.  The other day, while he was in another room, I took my wedding ring off to do Kyra’s hair and the next…

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Posted in Motivation for Missions

FAQ: How do you Deal with Fear on the Mission Field?

In a word, we believe that dealing with fear comes down to where we let our minds rest. Either on dangers, which leads to anxiety or on God which leads to peace. We do not believe that the default of the Christian’s mind is to be one of fear, no matter how difficult his or her life might be.  For instance, Proverbs 3:25 tells us, “Do not be afraid of sudden terror.”  We are not to wake up wondering if terrorists are going to bomb our city or if men with machetes are going to break into our home.  We…

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Posted in Training

Learning to Deliver Babies at GIAL

Several years ago I took a good friend of mine to the ER and as I was holding her hand trying to comfort her, I saw that they were drawing her blood.  The next thing I remember was waking up on a cot right next to my friend – apparently I had passed out.  I wish that were the only time that has happened, but alas it is not.  I consistently pass out when I get shots, have my blood drawn, etc.  It’s a fairly inconvenient and sometimes embarrassing reality, but I don’t really know what to do about it. …

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Posted in Bible Translation

Near Death Experiences and Other Encouraging Tales from the Field

One of the most exciting aspects of being at GIAL has been the fact that I am (literally) surrounded by experienced missionaries. All of the professors, administrative assistants, grounds keepers, doctors, cooks, and IT guys have been on the field and they all come with some great stories. Not just great because they are exciting, but great because they encourage me to trust Christ and teach me what it really means to be a missionary. Because they have been so encouraging for me, I thought I would share a couple with you. What was happening at 3am? One of my…

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Posted in Bible Translation Motivation for Missions

To Those who Love Greek and Hebrew…

Do you love tough theological issues? Do you have a desire pull your hair out at all hours of the night? Do you want to be in academics for the rest of your life? Would you like to give an entire people group the opportunity to worship Christ forever?… How about Bible Translation! When we were in seminary, the Greek and Hebrew classes seemed to be among the most popular (and the most feared!). Yet applying the languages to Bible translation seemed to be the least popular (yet still the most feared!). Why would this be? If you are among…

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Posted in Encouragements and Exhortations

Longing for Louisville…or Heaven?

We have been in Dallas a whole two weeks now and have thoroughly been enjoying our time here…and yet it just does not feel quite like “home.” Louisville is home. Immanuel Baptist church is home. Southern Seminary is home. A Woman’s Choice Resource Center is home. Home is where our friends and loved ones are…right? We listened to a sermon a couple months ago where John Piper said that the Lord brings things into our lives to remind us that this world is not supposed to be our home. He brings in minor, and sometimes major, discomforts to teach us…

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Posted in The Hare Home

Getting Settled in TX

Here’s a general update on what has taken place over our last week.A week ago we had several friends come over to help us pack and clean our apartment (it was a HUGE blessing!) and then Saturday morning we packed everyone up and started our drive to Texas at 6:30am.We arrived at our new home 19 hours later and then spent the next few days unpacking.And unfortunately, 4 out of the 6 of us have been sick. However, we have been greatly enjoying this new chapter of our lives thus far. We went from intensive partnership development which had us…

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