Posted in Christian Missions

Christian Liberty is for Slavery

“The vision Peter had at Joppa did not consist of a sheet from heaven filled with unclean DVDs, with Peter being told to arise and watch.” –Douglas Wilson Douglas Wilson’s quote gets to the heart of an extraordinary sermon on Christian liberty by our Kentucky pastor Ryan Fullerton.  In listening to this sermon, we could not help but to see how we tend to think of Christian Liberty as being mainly for our own gratification.  However, it is surprising to realize that God gave us this liberty so that we can use it to enslave ourselves to others.  In the words…

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Posted in Partnership Development

9 Days to get Richie to Cameroon-Help!

When people ask us how they can pray for us in our missions endeavors, our typical response is, “Pray that the Lord will raise up co-workers.”  Why is this so important to us?  The reason is because we are pioneering a new people group currently with just Dave and Stacey Hare and 4 young kiddos.  Not only do we want to live, home-school the kids, teach literacy, and translate the Bible, but we ALSO want to take the Bible to the streets and see it infiltrate the culture.  Put simply, this is way too much for just us to do! …

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Posted in Encouragements and Exhortations

So Encouraged by Her Choice to Suffer

 “Love does not seek its own.” I Corinthians 13:4 Many of you may have already seen this video and multiple blog posts on the web, but I could not help but to devote a post to a wonderful couple, Ian and Larissa Murphy.  Their story has been on my mind for days and their example has convicted me in many ways.  Please take a minute to watch this moving video:  Additional Blog Posts from Larissa: Why we Got Married Learning Contentment in Suffering A Daily Disabled Life Her Choice to SufferWhat I find so amazing is that he did not…

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Posted in The Hare Home

Current Pics of the Fam

Here’s some pics of the kiddos.  They are doing well overall.  They are very inquisitive and ask us “why?”  all day (along with every other questions under the sun).  They (along with their parents) are thrilled that their dad only has 4 more weeks of school left!!!  We cannot believe how fast Dave’s schooling has gone!  They are lots of fun (and lots of work)!

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Posted in Christian Missions Encouragements and Exhortations Motivation for Missions

Missionaries: All they have is Christ!

On more than one occasion an unbeliever has responded to our life story by saying: “So, you’ve adopted four kids and you’re moving to Africa…you’re definitely going to Heaven.”  Typically, people either love us or despise us for who we are and what we are pursuing.  We are not surprised when we are hated, but what turns our stomachs is when people mistakenly assume that we are good enough, on our own, to be approved by God.  The line of reasoning seems to be, “Well if you’re willing to sacrifice that much, God will have to let you into Heaven.” …

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Posted in Motivation for Missions

FAQ: Why Go Overseas When there is Much Work to do in America?

There is so much wonderful Kingdom work to do in America, so why should Christians leave “their own” to go into foreign missions? William Carey, 18th century missionary to India, answers that question nicely.  He says: That there are thousands in our own land as far from God as possible, I readily grant, and that this ought to excite us to ten-fold diligence in our work, and in attempts to spread divine knowledge amongst them is a certain fact; but that it ought to supersede all attempts to spread the gospel in foreign parts seems to want proof. Our own countrymen…

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Posted in Motivation for Missions

“Divine Sovereignty: The Fuel of Death-Defying Missions” – David Platt

“Tremble at the thought of this. There are over 2 billion people in the world at this moment, whose knowledge of God is  only sufficient to damn them to Hell forever…And that is where the story ends for them.  But there is hope!…” Divine Sovereignty: The Fuel of Death-Defying Missions : Together for the Gospel Riveting missions sermon by David Platt at the Together for the Gospel Conference 2012.  He is a voice for the billions of unreached peoples who do not have access to the Word of God nor to the Gospel.  May many leave, pray, and give in…

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Posted in Motivation for Missions

Should I Wait for an Open Door before I go Overseas?

William Carey was an 18th century shoe-maker who is now known as the Father of Modern Missions.  After a short career as a pastor he desired to go to India for the sake of missions but was lacking support from the church in America.  His church considered mission work unnecessary because of an imbalanced view of the sovereignty of God.  He was told by one man, “If God wants to convert the heathen, he will do it without consulting you, or me!”  In response he wrote a rather long document that is now known as his “Enquiry.” I have been…

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Posted in God’s Work in Cameroon

21 Baka People Converted and Baptized!

“Has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him?” James 2:5 World Team missionaries have been laboring among the Baka for decades and, after much prayer and teaching, the Lord has blessed them by letting them see the fruit of their labors.  When Dave and I visited Cameroon over a year ago, we had the joy of visiting with the Baka people when a man came to Christ.  Since then, the Lord has saved many many more.  As of…

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Posted in God’s Work in Cameroon

The Lord is at Work in Cameroon!!!

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