More Quirky Happenings in the Hare Home
Stacey said my blogs have been a bit heavy recently, so I thought I would go for something light. Here are some more quirky happenings in the Hare home:Kyra has asked to translate the Bible with us, Kaden has made it clear he does not want to help. Twice recently two separate children have pointed to pictures of African American men and thought it was a picture of me. Makyra says at least twice a day, “Daddy I like Oleg and Chad.” Oleg is her uncle and Chad is Chad Armstrong, a college buddy of mine that lived in Dallas…
Let the Languages Die?!
I recently read an article by National Geographic entitled Vanishing Languages. It begins with these words: “One language dies every 14 days. By the next century nearly half of the roughly 7,000 languages spoken on Earth will likely disappear, as communities abandon native tongues in favor of English, Mandarin, or Spanish.” The internet, cell phones, and air travel have changed the world in many amazing ways. It really is a small world these days, and is getting smaller. There is a prayer meeting that takes place at our church in Louisville, KY where they try to Skype with a different…
Bible Lessons from a Spy
I have been reading my Father’s Day gift recently, it is a book called Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. It is a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and with a title like that I could hardly resist! Bonhoeffer was a pastor and a leader in the German resistance to Hitler, earning him the title of ‘spy’. His life was ended by the Nazi’s in a concentration camp as a result of this resistance. I have been so inspired by Bonhoeffer’s example and even though I am only 40% through the book, I thought I would post something he said that has…
The Life we were Supposed to Have…Not Worth Comparing to Future Glory
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. – Romans 8:18 We arrived home safe and sound from California a couple days ago and while we were there we could not help thinking life in California was the life we were supped to have. A few of the friends we spent time with were friends that I have had since kindergarten. Several of my relationships were from high school and then in Southern California we spent time with people we knew in college. We…
California Goodbyes!
We have been grateful to see so many people on our final California trip. Of course, we only remembered to get pictures with a few. It has been a joy and a sorrow to see everyone and have to say ‘goodbye’. OK, everybody look at the camera! Mimi and Elias chillin’ in the pool. Papa and Kaden. Gorgeous view in Kevin’s backyard, and the scenery behind Stacey is pretty too! Kaden’s Cheese Face. Stacey and I fell in love during Dr. Halstead’s Greek class. We are very grateful for this man! Stacey, Meredith Ebner and lots of kids! Dave and…
How Do You Translate Without Numbers?
When discussing some of the difficulties of Bible translation with people, often I will hear them say, “I think you should just translate the Bible word-for-word.” Actually, I think I have said that before! However, as it turns out, it is not that easy. As I have studied linguistics for the last 20 weeks a host of translation issues have come up. Consider this section of Zechariah’s Prophecy in Luke 1: 76And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, 77 to give knowledge of salvation to…
California Trip!
After 28.5 hours in the van, we have finally arrived in California! The kids did really well, praise the Lord. This is our last trip to California before we move to Cameroon, so this is our goodbye trip! Here are some pics from the trip so far.
$1200 Raised in a Night – Richie’s Going to Cameroon!
Wow, I am just beyond excited as I write this blog entry. Since just LAST NIGHT Richie has raised the remaining $1,200 that he needed in order to take his vision trip to Cameroon. He is fully funded and buying plane tickets and soon will be packing his bags. Here are a couple reasons why this is so thrilling: Because Richie will have the opportunity to go to Cameroon and hopefully see all the ways he can be used in the Lord’s Kingdom. Lord willing, he’ll come back with a head full of dreams of how he could best serve…
Update on “Getting Richie to Cameroon”
There has been a tremendous response from our previous post 9 Days to Get Richie to Cameroon– thank you! Since our last blog post, Richie has received $1,800 from people like you! Thank you for helping our brother get to Cameroon. Because of Richie’s rapid progress, World Team has allowed him to push his deadline back a bit with the hopes that he’ll be able to raise the remaining $1,000 really soon. If you’d like to help, but haven’t gotten the chance to yet, please click on link below. CLICK HERE TO MAKE DONATION As of now he’s scheduled to leave…
11 Ways to Deaden your Desire for Missions
Maybe you have listened to a sermon or a missionary appeal and you have thought to yourself, “I am there! I am going to that unreached people group!” After church, you get in your car and have lunch with friends, then you go home and do some yard-work. Monday morning rolls around and you drag yourself out of bed, sit in a colorless cubicle for 8 hours, come home to more work, and then repeat this cycle day in and day out. Come Friday afternoon, your once-passionate-heart for missions is as dry as a bone. You do not feel much…
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