Posted in Prayer

Day 2 of Praying the Impossible: That the Gospel would Spread Rapidly

2 Thessalonians 3:1a Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored.   Pray that the message of Christ will be fascinating and wonderful to the people of Cameroon and that they would honor it and spread it even beyond their people group.

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Posted in Prayer

Day 1 of Praying the Impossible: That the People of Cameroon would Turn from Worthless Idols

By Stacey Psalm 96:5, 7-9  For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols, but the LORD made the heavens….Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength!  Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts!  Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness;tremble before him, all the earth! Join us in praying that even now the people of Cameroon will grow disillusioned with their idols and would see them as man-made, worthless, impotent, and an abomination before the true God.  Pray that…

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Posted in Current Events Prayer

Praying the Impossible: A Call to Join us in 2 Weeks of Ambitious Prayer

By Stacey Matthew 19:26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Apart from Christ we can do nothing and we know it.  With Christ, there are no limits to what the Lord may accomplish through two weak people like us.  So, to those who are Christians, we invite you to join with us in prayer for the next 14 days to ask God for impossible things.  We leave in two weeks, and although we know there will be hard times, we leave hopeful that the Lord would hear our prayers and use us to bring…

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Posted in The Hare Home

Will You Help Our Kids Remember You? Video Request

Hello Friends! Check out the countdown on the right side of the screen to see how long until we leave. As I am writing this it is about at 19 days!We were trying to think of ways to help our kids remember our friends and family as we head overseas. I was thinking it would be fun to have YOU upload a video onto YouTube that we could show our kids while we are in France and then Cameroon. So here is what you can do: Go to If you are already logged into Google you will have to…

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Posted in Adoption Encouragements and Exhortations The Hare Home

What is Childlike Faith?

A number of years ago I had a Sunday School teacher who was talking about saving faith. He said that Christianity was an adult religion and the faith that was required was an adult faith. In other words, Christian faith is an informed faith. It is faith that is informed with an understanding of sin as offense against God, a lack of saving ability in ourselves, and a turning away from sin and to Christ. These truths, he said, really cannot be grasped by children. The implication is probably as obvious to you as it is to me. I trusted…

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Posted in Current Events

Opportunity to Help Bring an Orphan into a Loving Family

Sell your possessions, and give to the needy.  Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heaves that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no month destroys. Luke 12:33 Our good friends Brandy and Noah Lee are church planters in Montana and they are adopting this beautiful little girl (Nora) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, they are a few thousand dollars short and need some help from fellow Christians to get them over there to pick her up. So, if you have a heart for orphans, please help our friends…

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Posted in Adoption Bible Translation The Hare Home Third Culture Kid

“Your kids are going to have issues.”

Sometimes when we go on a walk we stop traffic. Seriously. People will slow their cars down and rubberneck with some misguided thought that staring is going to answer their questions. Two adults, four kids. Adults are Irish-looking, kids are African-looking. But just to mix it up even more, all of our kids appear to be the same age (and in reality are pretty close – two 3-year-olds and two 2-year-olds). Conversations only complicate matters: not only do we have 4 Ethiopians that are being raised by Americans, they are going to be raised in Cameroon, in a village, where…

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Posted in Bible Translation Current Events

See you Later; in Honor of my College Roommate as she Heads to West Africa

My freshman year of college, I walked into my dorm kind of nervous and afraid, but fortunately there was a kind girl named Lisa Voth that lived a couple doors down from me.  She was quirky, full of life, and welcoming and thus we became friends quickly.   The next year, we went to Israel through a program at our college and were roommates.  I was struggling in my classes because I did not know much of anything about the Old Testament coming into the program.  However, Lisa was very patient with me and time and time again explained about how…

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Posted in Current Events The Hare Home

Secret’s Out: Moms Don’t Have Super Powers

Most of us have had the experience when we were children. You are going to do something you shouldn’t, you check to make sure that no one is looking, and then immediately your mom calls out from the other room. “I told you that you can’t have cookies until after dinner.” How did she do that? You have already done an eyes-in-the-back-of-the-head check when you were hugging her. There’s nothing there, just hair. You’ve asked before, but Mom just raised her eyebrows at you. Like there is something she knows that you don’t. Finally, you kids out there, I have the…

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Posted in Encouragements and Exhortations

Encouragement From Desperation

Our Dallas preaching pastor, Craig Cabaniss, preached a really helpful sermon today on faith (listen to it here). The passage was Mark 5:21-43 which included the healing of the woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years and also the raising of Jairus’ daughter. Of the many good points about faith that he made during this sermon, there was one that struck me. As he described Jesus approaching the wailing in front of Jairus’ house, Pastor Craig commented: He comes in and he says, “Hey why are you making such a commotion and weeping? The child is not…

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