Category: The Hare Home
In Honor of My Parents
Two things lead me to write this blog post in honor of my parents: 1. They are coming to town tomorrow and so they are simply on my mind. 2. I have told my children the same things over and over again all day long and frankly, I am weary. In having kids, I realize how much grief I put my parents through as they had to tell me the same things over and over again, and at the time I did not get it.I did not understand why they would not let me to go parties in high school…
My Birthday Wish!
Greetings friends and family. Today marks the 29th anniversary of my birth! My birthday wish this year is to raise $250 for our start-up expenses using Would you consider making a donation?
Zoey’s Walking!
All four are walking – wahoo! Always a party.
Elias and Zoey are now American Citizens!
On Monday of this past week, we completed the process of “Re-Adoption” in order to change Zoey and Elias’ status from Permanent Residents to US Citizens. The judge was so excited to have a “happy case” that she even took a picture with us. And their names have officially been changed from Spain and Tarkie to Zoey and Elias. Hooray! This just reminded us how grateful we are to have these two be a part of our family. Yes, life is more complicated, more expensive, and there are double the diapers, but all that stuff is so small compared to…
I’d Rather be in Africa…
I was just thinking about getting ready to go to work tomorrow and what came to mind was, “I’d rather be in Africa.” After first deciding to pursue missions Stacey and I chose to attend seminary because we felt a lack in our Bible knowledge. When we arrived in Louisville we had a lot of debt, so we worked really hard and the Lord provided and we were debt free. We finished seminary in May 2009 and adopted kids, switched missions agencies, adopted more kids…and now (7.5 years later) I work 40 hours a week, catch glimpses of my family,…
Lessons Learned from a Fly
An innocent fly buzzed across our table last night only to cause one of our children to practically have a panic attack.This tiny fly brought on tears, screaming, and intense fear.I was stunned and did not really know what to do (it is just a fly after all, right?).I let the fly crawl on me to show our kids that it was harmless.I told them it was a friend. They said “hi” to the fly. I told them that it would not hurt them. This reasoning did not work. So I prayed with them and reminded them that the Lord…
General Update on the Hare Family
Well we’ve been a family of six now for four months and we thought we’d share with you a little about how things are going. We adopted two more kids expecting God to “make good” on this promise: “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8). And whereas the past four months have been intense, the Lord has given us grace to change diaper after diaper after diaper after diaper after diaper and to grow in…
A Quick Update
Well we are in Colorado right now and are so grateful and excited to have the opportunity to speak at several churches about our ministry to Cameroon (8 in the month of May!). It is so encouraging to see so many Bible-believing, Jesus-loving Christians all over the nation. And to top that all off, it is so wonderful to see so many people genuinely care about those who are without the Word of God! As we parent our four adorable kids something we say all day, every day is that they need to share their toys. The urge to share…
I Cannot Save Even One Soul
“Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” Psalm 127:1 This blog is dedicated to journaling our journey to the mission field and the closer we get the more excited we are. We have shared with many people and churches our passion for spreading the Gospel and for translating the Word of God. And yet, the closer we seem to get to the mission field, the more the Lord seems to be humbling me through my children (one in particular). And I…
The Results are in: Our Daughter’s name is Zoey!
Well friends it only took one day to get 41 responses. We have decided to spell our daughter’s name: Zoey! The score? 30:11 **Updated 3/12/11** More people have voted and it is now 40:14 – ZoeY still wins!
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