Posted in Africa Prayer

Violence in Nigeria

According to an article I read today about Nigeria, recently:”…an Islamic militant group, invaded the off-campus hostel of Federal Polytechnic College on October 1 and murdered up to 30 students. The attack took place in the city of Mubi in remote Adamawa State, located in north-eastern Nigeria. Gunmen reportedly rounded up the students and demanded to know their names. If they gave a Christian name, they were given a chance to deny their Christian faith and convert to Islam by reciting the shahada (Muslim prayer of faith). If they refused and stood firm in their Christian faith, they were either…

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Posted in Africa The Hare Home

I’d Rather be in Africa…

I was just thinking about getting ready to go to work tomorrow and what came to mind was, “I’d rather be in Africa.” After first deciding to pursue missions Stacey and I chose to attend seminary because we felt a lack in our Bible knowledge. When we arrived in Louisville we had a lot of debt, so we worked really hard and the Lord provided and we were debt free. We finished seminary in May 2009 and adopted kids, switched missions agencies, adopted more kids…and now (7.5 years later) I work 40 hours a week, catch glimpses of my family,…

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Posted in Africa Encouragements and Exhortations Motivation for Missions

If there is no Hell, then I’m not going to Africa

I have not read Rob Bell’s book. However, it seems as if his notion that life on earth is as bad as it gets is really just an echo of where our culture has been moving. I counsel at a pregnancy center and more and more often it seems as if girls come in determined to reason away Hell based on their false notion of a how a “loving” God ought to conduct himself. If we make God into our own image – a God who is apathetic towards abortion, sexual immorality, un-thankful hearts, towards worship of other gods, and…

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Posted in Africa Bible Translation Motivation for Missions

The Harvest is Plentiful, but the Laborers are Few

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:36-38 Just in Cameroon alone there are around 270 people groups that do not have the Bible in their own language. Our colleagues at World Team narrowed down these 270 languages to the top 10 most needy people groups in Cameroon for us to consider translating for….

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