Posted in Africa Culture Shock Encouragements and Exhortations

Fear God. Honor the Emperor.

Sometimes culture differences between Cameroon and the US can be pretty shocking. In Cameroon, for instance, and I am not even joking…children respect their elders. I know, it’s a bit hard to believe. This means that when adults are talking, children are seen and not heard. Though I am certain when youth get together they sometimes badmouth their parents, you would never see it in public. This attitude of respect carries over to authorities for adults as well. When the president of the Kwakum language committee arrives to any meeting, people stand. They offer him the seat of honor. Again,…

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Posted in Encouragements and Exhortations

The Discipline of Gratitude

We often hear comments from friends and supporters that they wish their children could come and visit us in Cameroon for a time. What they mean is that their kids have been expressing attitudes of ingratitude or entitlement and they believe that some time spent in an African village will help them to see how much they have to be thankful for. We all chuckle, and sigh, with the recognition that we are not going to fly a child to Cameroon just for an attitude check. However, whether these parents know it or not, there is a greater problem with…

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Posted in Audio Bible Translation Christian Missions Encouragements and Exhortations God’s Work in Cameroon

[AUDIO] Podcast and Sermon

Dave was interviewed this last week for a podcast and also preached at The Mount Church in Clemson, SC. You can listen to them at the below links: PODCAST: Around the King’s Table Pastors George and Brian of The Mount Church in Clemson sit down with Dave Hare to discuss translation and ministry in advance of Missions Week at The Mount. SERMON: Habakkuk: Global Missions with Dave Hare Dave preached a sermon which describes our ministry in Cameroon, and also traces through major themes in the Book of Habakkuk.

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Posted in Home Assignment Newsletter

[NEWSLETTER] Home Assignment

We wanted to give you an update of what is going on with us in the States and also what has been going on in Cameroon. In the US We have been tremendously encouraged by the mature believers all over the US and all by all the common grace that is here. Yes, it has been an adjustment, but adjusting to new environments is nothing new. We traveled throughout the US this summer and to date have done over fifteen presentations about our ministry in Cameroon, one of which was even written up in a local newspaper. We have been…

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Posted in Bible Translation Encouragements and Exhortations

God is not Like Us, and That’s a Good Thing

There is a major principle in the world of translation: “You cannot translate something you do not understand.” What this means for our project is that before we can even attempt translating a passage into Kwakum, we have to make sure we understand it ourselves. As our team has wrestled through various passages, there have been many times in which the Kwakum translators have posed this question to me: “Why would God do that?” Let me give you a couple illustrations. The first one comes up right away: “Why did God put the tree of the knowledge of good and…

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Posted in Newsletter

[NEWSLETTER] See You Soon!

The Hare family will soon be in the US. We are going to spend June 2022 – June 2023 headquartered in Louisville, KY. However, we will also be touring throughout the US in order to see you! Accomplished this term This has been a busy term! We have now been in the village for this term for almost 4 full years. In that time we… …developed a writing system which is now accepted and used by the language community, …wrote literacy primers and teacher’s manuals in order to teach the Kwakum how to read and write their language, …trained Kwakum…

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Posted in Video

[VIDEO] We are World Team

World Team recently produced a new video demonstrating some foundational principles of our ministry in many countries. Check it out!

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Posted in Encouragements and Exhortations

The Tyranny of the Church Building

Back in 2013-14 we had the joy and challenge of spending a little over a year language learning in France. The challenge was mostly the language learning and the joy was mostly France. I really love France, a beautiful country full of nature and history. I was able to visit Paris once during this time and was struck by the magnificence of the city. One building that stuck out in particular was the Cathedral of Notre Dame. The building is immense and beautiful, drawing one’s eyes up to heaven and causing the heart to glorify God. The sad, stark contrast…

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Posted in Encouragements and Exhortations FAQ Mobilization

Why Are the Laborers Few: Part 4: Supporting National Christians

We have been working through some objections that, at least in part, contribute to the lack of workers on the mission field. So far we have covered the objections: 1) “I don’t want to beg for money“, 2) technology induced sleep, and 3) it’s hard to leave mom. Today I want to consider an objection that I have heard from time to time: It is both more effective and efficient to support national Christians. The core of this objection is that the process of sending out expat missionaries into the nations is expensive and time intensive. Further, when we as…

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Posted in Newsletter

[NEWSLETTER] Book of Good News

In my (Stacey’s) experience, there is nothing more depressing than Kwakum funerals. Why are they depressing? Many reasons. First of all, they occur frequently, often due to preventable causes. Secondly, they are long; around six days of wailing and sleeping in the dirt. Third, they are riddled with traditions that do not honor God. For instance, attendees often try to divine the person responsible for the death of the individual (because they believe that most if not all deaths are caused by witchcraft) and this leads to false accusations, screaming, and violence. There are also traditions forced upon the bereaved…

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