This has been a crazy year, and it has been a while since we updated you. I am glad to let you know that we have seen some great progress!
In the area of Bible translation, you probably know that we have decided to work on Old Testament Bible Storying. We started working on some stories at the end of last year. Then, we went through the process of translator selection, choosing seven men and one woman to work on the project. We had a training time, working through topics such as: basic translation principles, how to deal with unknown concepts, and translation of metaphors and idioms.
Since the training, we have gone back to review the stories that we had worked on before the training (Creation, Fall, Cain and Abel, and the Flood). We also have begun translation on new stories: Babel, the Call of Abram, the Reaffirmation of the Covenant with Abram, and Sodom and Gomorrah…[more]