[Newsletter] Joys and Tears

If you have been following our ministry for any time, you have probably heard of Mami and Koo. They are a young couple that came to the Lord a few years back, and immediately bore a lot of fruit. They were married (something that doesn’t happen very often). They sought discipleship and even leadership in the church. One recent joy is that Koo and Mami have started teaching Sunday School. We are super encouraged about the content of their teaching. In Cameroon, teachers mainly impart information through rote memory drills and often do not aim for comprehension. Even worse, the teaching in churches is often a mix of Prosperity Theology and works salvation. You regularly hear Sunday School teachers scolding children to “do what is good and not do what is bad.”

This is why we were encouraged to see Koo’s drawing on a chalk board in the translation center. When I asked him about it, he said that he wanted to try a new approach to teaching—he said his goal was to get the children to understand what the Bible teaches (yes!). He also drew this diagram to explain to the children that God looks at their hearts out rather than just their behavior. If one wants to produce good fruit, their hearts need to be shaped by biblical beliefs and values in order to for their actions to change (yes!).

Praise God for Koo’s teaching and pray that it would be more and more Gospel centered. Pray also that Koo and Mami would continue meet with us for discipleship counseling, that they’d do their homework, and apply the Word to their lives. [read more]


Author: David M. Hare

Dave is a husband, father of four Africans, and is currently helping the Kwakum people do Oral Bible Storying and Bible translation in Cameroon, Africa.

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