How to Help: Recruit

We just finished our annual field conference in Yaoundé. We met with our co-workers from all over Cameroon. It was a very encouraging time that led to a better understanding of what God is doing here. It also led to a better understanding of needs throughout the country. As many of you often ask what you can do to help our ministry, I thought I would give you the opportunity to recruit for our field. Below are some examples of needs in Cameroon right now. Of course we are always looking for church planting/Bible translation types, but look also at some of the support roles. We are looking for teachers for missionary kids, “dorm parents” for those kids that stay in the capital for the school year, and an administrator/teacher to help coordinate homeschooling among the missionary families. These are all positions where you will need to raise support (like us!), but World Team will help those interested.

Check out the job descriptions below:

1. Teachers for the Rainforest International School
The Rainforest International School is a school in the capital (Yaoundé) where many of our friends’ kids attend. It is likely that when our kids get to highschool age they will attend RFIS as well. This is a great opportunity to help further the cause of missions. Missionaries care a lot about the education that their children receive.

Here are the teaching positions they are currently looking for:

  • English as a Second Language Specialist
  • Math – Middle School
  • Math – High School
  • Music – Choir, Lessons, or Instrumental
  • Science – Chemistry or Biology
  • Science – Middle School
  • Social Studies – Government or History
There are also non-teaching positions available. Check out more information:

2. Dorm Parents
For those families that do not live in Yaoundé, there is a dorm available right next to RFIS. This allows the kids to stay and attend the school during the school year. One big need is for a couple that can stay at the dorm to run things and help disciple the kids. Right now we have a couple planning on leaving their village ministry to do this for a year, but starting in 2017 we have no one to run the dorm.

Check out the job description:

3. Homeschool Teacher/Administrator
Living in the village, most of us homeschool our kids. This means that we need to have curriculum, schedules, advice and administration. We have had the blessing for many years of a homeschool coordinator named Elsie. She visits us in the village once a year, orders everything we need, and helps us to know what we are supposed to be doing. Elsie will unfortunately be retiring from this position within the next couple of years. She would love to train her replacement. The position is centered in Bamenda, one of Cameroon’s most beautiful cities.

Do you know someone who would love to further missions by ministering to Cameroonian missionaries in this way? Send them the link:

Check out all the opportunities at:


Author: David M. Hare

Dave is a husband, father of four Africans, and is currently helping the Kwakum people do Oral Bible Storying and Bible translation in Cameroon, Africa.