Urgent Financial Need for a Co-Worker Among the Baka

If you have followed our ministry for a while, you know that we have spent a good amount of time with the Baka people. We visited them during our field visit, we lived among them for a few months while waiting for our house to be built, and we work right next to them here in Dimako. If you were to come and visit the Baka, one of the first things that you would notice how desperate their physical plight is.The Baka have for known history been hunter/gatherers and therefore lived as nomads, never settling in one place. However, with the growth of the non-Baka population, deforestation, and other hunting, the Baka are starting to have to change their way of life. This has been extremely difficult, leaving many of them near starving and in terrible physical health. There has just recently been at least one death in our area of a Baka baby because of measles.

On top of all of their physical problems, the Baka are a people lost in their transgressions. They fear spirits and often live in drunkenness and violence. They have many great needs.

To help meet their needs, the Lord has led a woman named Jenn Jessee to come to Cameroon as a nurse and care for their physical needs, while working alongside other World Team missionaries to also meet their spiritual needs. Her care and concern for the Baka people has even led her to adopt a Baka baby, who was in rough shape after the death of her birth-mother. Annabella and Jenn are now in the States nearing the end of their 6-month furlough.

I am writing this to point out that in order for them to return to Cameroon to help the Baka, they currently need more monthly support. In her November newsletter (read it here) Jenn says that they were still in need of $1000 per month. I would ask that you consider your current financial situation and see if there is not room to help this godly woman as she does some of the hardest and most needed work in Cameroon.

Please check out her blog: http://jennjessee.blogspot.com

You can support connect to her support network by going to: http://us.worldteam.org/give/index or by mailing in a SUPPORT CARD.


Author: David M. Hare

Dave is a husband, father of four Africans, and is currently helping the Kwakum people do Oral Bible Storying and Bible translation in Cameroon, Africa.