Do You Hide God’s Word in Your Heart?

If you are like me and you love the Word of God, you probably (also like me) have made resolutions through out the years to memorize Scripture. This is something that I have always struggled with. What verses should I memorize? How do I remember to review the ones I have worked on?

I found out about John Piper’s Fighter Verses a few years back, which are lists of verses that are divided into helpful sections and metered out throughout the years. Basically, you will find a different verse (or group of verses) to memorize for every week in the year.

Here is the link to the Fighter Verses website:

All that said, I still did not get into it consistently until I found the iPhone app for Fighter Verses. I really find it helpful because I have it right on my phone. Also they have different memory techniques built into the app. The most helpful technique for me has been the songs. For every set of verses they have a different song that you can listen to at your convenience. I still am not as consistent as I would like to be, but I have been able to hide a lot more of God’s Word in my heart as a result of this app. So…I thought I would share!

Fighter Verses – Android App
Fighter Verses – iPhone App

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:11

Author: David M. Hare

Dave is a husband, father of four Africans, and is currently helping the Kwakum people do Oral Bible Storying and Bible translation in Cameroon, Africa.